![S1E1: The Birth of the Content Personality® Wheel [Grow Your Business For Good Podcast]](https://joyfulbusinessrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/GRBG-Podcast-Cover-3-V2-1080x675.jpg)
![S1E1: The Birth of the Content Personality® Wheel [Grow Your Business For Good Podcast]](https://joyfulbusinessrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/GRBG-Podcast-Cover-3-V2-1080x675.jpg)

Why I *won’t* tell you to buy my funnel, formula, or fool-proofery
“You’ll 5X your income if you just follow this simple system.” That’s what most business coaches and strategists will tell you. They’ll make you feel like they’ve been given the keys to the kingdom, and that kingdom is filled with...
How To Use Your Content Personality To Win Over Your Audience And Supercharge Your Sales
In the world of online business, content can feel like a necessary evil. Something you have to do to keep up with the rat race of social media and the hustle of marketing. Creating a coaching sales script can feel like an unbearable burden. It’s not always clear...
Introvert Marketing: How To Scale Your Biz Without Overriding Your Nervous System
Most marketing strategies and promotional tactics commonly used today sound like, well, nails on a chalkboard to introverts. Here are some examples of online marketing strategies that most introverts just shouldn’t do: Hosting massive online events Hopping on live...
Let me hear you SQUEEAALL!
When I was 14 there were two things I wanted more than anything: to have my own stack of Nat Geo magazines and to be a marine biologist. Neither of these things happened, but those dreams have lived deep in my cells and in my soul for 30 years.