Contact Info
To interview Shannon for your podcast, or to book Shannon to speak at your next event,
please send a request and details to hq [at] joyfulbusinessrevolution [dot] com.
Tune In!
Tune in and listen as Shannon shares her expertise, love of marketing, and contagious enthusiasm for building a business and life you love waking up to every.single.day.
The Art of Joyful Marketing: Amy Hager’s Blueprint for Business Bliss
With her expertise in creating values-driven, organic marketing strategies, Amy shares her insights on the Joyful Marketing Blueprint Workshop with the Success Unlimited Podcast.
Organic Marketing vs Paid Marketing What’s Better?
Catch a candid conversation between Andrea & Shannon as they discuss how organic marketing can be used to get more clients for your business—and why it’s crucial to find your Content Personality® so you can convert the your ideal clients into paying customers.
Unleashing the Power of the Joy Line with Amy Hager
Amy Hager explores how making changes based on the joy line can not only help you personally, but your team as a whole. Listen in on the Corporate Detox Podcast.
Putting the JOY back in your storytelling content and relationship building
Connecting with your audience should feel like a relationship. But how? Shannon shares her shine story + tips on how to make your storytelling shine.