The Irrepressible Power of Joy Marketing
In a world where every marketer seems to focus on scarcity, urgency, and FOMO, I want to change the conversation — because joy marketing is real and, more importantly, powerful. The best marketing still makes people feel some kind of way — with over 90% of our...
Authentic Brand Storytelling. For Everyone.
A lot of people talk about brand storytelling and even more talk about building a business that’s true to your why. But I wish more people were talking about connecting their authentic why to their brand storytelling. Over the years, I’ve been involved in many...
It’s time to change your WHY statement to a JOY statement
A few days ago I had a major AHA moment. I was looking back on my life and thinking about the difference between me learning how to draw botanicals and where I am now. When I was learning how to draw botanicals, I was consumed by it. I would...
Why I *won’t* tell you to buy my funnel, formula, or fool-proofery
“You’ll 5X your income if you just follow this simple system.” That’s what most business coaches and strategists will tell you. They’ll make you feel like they’ve been given the keys to the kingdom, and that kingdom is filled with...
Let me hear you SQUEEAALL!
When I was 14 there were two things I wanted more than anything: to have my own stack of Nat Geo magazines and to be a marine biologist. Neither of these things happened, but those dreams have lived deep in my cells and in my soul for 30 years.