What is a
Content Personality®?
Your Content Personality® is NATURAL to you. This means that as a service-based business owner, you have a NATURAL way of growing your business, based on your strengths. Ready to SIMPLIFY IT ALL, so you can grow your business for GOOD?
When your marketing is out of alignment, it’s difficult to be visible and vibrant. Marketing that makes you feel overwhelmed and miserable–and sucks your energy dry–actually filters out your brilliant, authentic self–the very things your ideal clients want from you.
But when you’re aligned with your Content Personality® in your business? Hold on! That’s where the results happen: More Joy. More Revenue. and More Time Off.
Your IMAGES connect and convert.
Your VOICE connects & converts.
Your WORDS connect and convert.
Your PRESENCE connects & converts.
Your ENTHUSIASM connects and converts.
Who are we and what do we stand for?
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From the Blog
[S7; Ep5] How to Choose Brand Adjectives (and what not to do) [The Grow Your Business for Good Podcast]
In this episode:  Talking about what to do is easy, but actually fine-tuning your messaging, defining your brand personality, and creating a consistent brand voice... well, that's a whole other enchilada. Why? When you spend all your energy wordsmithing, your...
[S7; Ep4] Finding and Using your Unique Selling Proposition and Unique Value Proposition [The Grow Your Business for Good Podcast]
In this episode: UVP, USP, USPS... What the hell, y'all? We are diving into UVP and USP. These are some of the most talked about, most obsessed over, and most misunderstood aspects of brand messaging. We're going to help you get clear on what they mean today....
Authentic Brand Storytelling. For Everyone.
A lot of people talk about brand storytelling and even more talk about building a business that’s true to your why. But I wish more people were talking about connecting their authentic why to their brand storytelling. Over the years, I’ve been involved in many...
[S7; Ep3] Brand Messaging vs Brand positioning—what’s the difference? [The Grow Your Business for Good Podcast]
In this episode: What's the difference between messaging and positioning? Tune in to hear how we define this at the Joyful Business Revolution and some scenarios or phrases that you might be seeing and hearing in your business, so you can figure out what needs to be...
197 Brand Adjectives to Describe Your Brand [Sorted by Category]
Deciding how to talk about your company takes a lot of work. If you’re like many business owners, it’s one of the hardest parts of marketing your business. That’s why I’m sharing this list of brand adjectives. You can use these branding words to clarify how your...
[S7; Ep2] What are Brand Messaging Pillars? And How Do You Use Them To Grow Your Audience? [The Grow Your Business for Good Podcast]
In this episode: There is a lot of online advice about branding and marketing your business, but something I find that is often missing is how to apply the information to your business and actually use it to grow your aligned audience. Hang on, y'all, because...
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