How Writing a First Draft (of anything) is Like A Trip to the Gynecologist

(Author’s note: I have resolved this year to write more creatively from time to time. So, here is my first stab at a piece I dreamed up while…yes… you guessed it…sitting in the gynecologist’s office, waiting for the doctor to come into the room. I must admit, the...

5 Tips for Becoming a Pro at Writing Headlines and Titles

Let’s face it, if the titles/headlines of your blog posts, newsletters, or emailing marketing campaigns aren’t catchy—no one’s going to click through and read it. Did you know that copywriters spend about 25% of their time writing the content itself, and about 75% of...

[Interview] M. Shannon Hernandez on Coaching Memoir Writers

This past month I hooked up with Kevin T. Johns and was so thrilled that we got to “talk writing shop” on his new podcast:  The Writing Coach. On this podcast, Kevin speaks with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors...

9 Tips for Dealing with the Emotions When Writing a Memoir

Writing a memoir is much like going through your trunk of family treasures and keepsakes. At times the memories may be fuzzy, just like the ink on the pages of that 70 year old journal your great-grandmother kept. Sometimes the memories may be painful, much like the...

10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming a Published Author

After just a few months as a published author, I’ve learned some things. The learning curve, at times, was fast paced and exhilarating, much like a waterslide on a hot, steamy day. At others times, well, it hasn’t been so pleasant. These are the aspects of being an...