3 Reasons You Are Not Attracting the Right Coaching Clients (and how to fix these issues)

3 Reasons You Are Not Attracting the Right Coaching Clients (and how to fix these issues)

I am a huge proponent for coaches and consultants stepping into The Confident Expert and helping them make a ton of money doing what they are brilliant at–coaching clients around their expertise! In fact, I spend most of my working hours helping established...
Finding Clients Used to Feel Hard. Then I Tried This.

Finding Clients Used to Feel Hard. Then I Tried This.

The world needs your brilliance and gifts. Do you FEEL the power in that statement? As a coach or consultant, I know we want to be spending our time doing ONE MAIN THING: coaching and consulting. But, you need clients to do that, right? Finding clients is where powerful connecting and communicating come in (ie marketing). Our future clients don’t know we exist if we aren’t connecting with them.