Hot seat coaching.

This is a great topic, and before we dive in, let’s talk about how the Joyful Business Revolution™ defines hot seat coaching, or as we call it, “Hottie Seat Coaching.”

Here at the Joyful Business Revolution™, Hottie Seat Coaching is a small group experience that goes a little like this: a group member asks a question, and we lead a discussion around their question to help them discover the answer. 

In our experience, the best way to utilize hot seat coaching as part of your sales process is to sell 1:1 services. But to do this, you have to set some expectations for the experience. When we utilize hot seat coaching, it’s typically part of a larger opportunity like a workshop or training. 

When we do offer a Hottie Seat opportunity, we are very clear with the participants about expectations – that the person in the “hottie” seat is open and ready to be coached – and willing to have an actual conversation. 

Because when you’re offering hot seat coaching, you don’t want to lay out the answer – you want to invite a conversation – because the best salespeople out there will tell you that sales is a conversation, not a lecture. (That’s the genius of our set of discovery call questions for coaches, btw)

In order to find people who want to participate in a hot seat experience with you, make sure that you are clear about the expectations and requirements for participation – registration is a great way to do this, or you can simply ask on the call itself if people are open to being coached – if they say “no” then you won’t choose them for a hot seat. 
