The Confident Expert stands in her brilliance and knows how to help clients get results. She speaks openly and confidently about what she knows and who she wants to work with. She builds a wait list for her services. Her marketing is mostly fun and light, because she markets from a place of alignment and natural confidence in who she is, what she does, and the results she gets her clients.
Do you desire to be a Confident Expert? If so, keep reading!
The clients I choose to work with want to feel more confident in who they are as a business owner. However, they don’t say this—this is not the language they speak.
The reasons why they want to work with me sound more like this:
-I want to make more money in my business.
-I want more time to enjoy my family.
-I want to embrace all the parts of me in my business.
-I want to travel more.
-I want to reach more people.
-I want to have a bigger impact.
-I want to like marketing and feel good when doing it.
-I want to do more speaking, write my book, host virtual classes, hold retreats.
And while I know these are the many things my clients desire, I also know that in order to get the things listed above, they must be willing to publicly declare their brilliance to transform into the Confident Expert (they already are).
THIS takes courage, consistency, and a huge dose of clarity and knowing WHY you get up and do what you do every single day.
How do you go about developing this natural confidence so you can make a bigger impact in the world and create a business and life you love waking up to
First, you need to become so focused on your WHY, that nothing else matters.
Second, you need to become so clear in your values and beliefs—so that when the naysayers show up, you are unshakable.
Third, you need to prioritize and only do the things that bring you immense joy.
Fourth, you need to develop and sell an offer that helps your clients get the results you are known for/want to be known for.
I have been doing some profound work with clients in the above four areas. When these things happen, consistently, they develop the courage and confidence to market themselves as the powerful expert they already are.
BLISS! EASE! JOY! <——And all of this means more money! (See how money is a RESULT of getting aligned in all the other areas, not the driver?)
In a few weeks, I am getting a small group of business owners together (virtually) who desire to embrace and step into the Confident Expert.
Is this you?
During our time together, you will discover how to leave the marketing overwhelm behind, and instead, move into a deep understanding of what truly brings you joy in life and in business, so you can then develop a simplified marketing strategy from the place of joy!
I’m inviting you to join me for the Joy|Money Matrix™ + Marketing Alignment Intensive.
If more ease and joy and alignment is something you’ve been wanting for yourself and your business, please email hq [at] mshannonhernandez [dot] com and tell me WHY you want to embrace and step into the Confident Expert.
(Please note: seats are limited for this intimate experience.)
I look forward to welcoming ALL the brilliant pieces of you and your business into the Joy|Money Matrixâ„¢ + Marketing Alignment Intensive.