Episode 21: The Key to Deep Inner Joy in Life and Business
What is the key to lasting, true, inner joy, both in life and biz? OH BABY – we can’t wait to explore this topic with you! Deep, inner wisdom = deep inner joy. And it all starts with your lifestyle values!
Episode 20: Staying Motivated in Your Business
How do you stay motivated in your business? We get this question a lot–and we can’t wait to share some tools and tactics with you.

Episode 19: Joyful List Building
Every Tuesday, I go live in my Facebook Group for Training Tuesday. If you are a coach and/or consultant, this is the place to be to get REAL marketing and selling training that will get you results in your business! Episode 19: Joyful List Building (for your email...
Episode 18: Hosting Intimate & Transformational Events-Online
As we continue to take more and more of our business online, one of the things I get asked is: How can I create intimate experiences for my students and clients?

Episode 17: Video Strategies for Strategic Relationships
How can you use video to deepen your relationships, connections, and reach your ideal clients? Find out in this training.