From the Blog

How Coachable Are You?

As a content strategist and content coach, who also naturally coaches around topics like positive mindset and business strategy, I believe that most people are coachable, but they may not be coachable at certain points in their lives. This could be because the...

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Expand Your Digital Footprint

Do you remember the days back in college (or for the younger crowd, high school!), when people were constantly talking to you about posting to the internet with care? You may have heard things like: Don’t share personal stuff. A stalker will find you. (My dad’s famous...

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Is Your Mindset Affecting Your Business?

If I told you that the last couple of months had been easy-breezy, I’d be lying to you. I’ve had so much inner turmoil within my soul and brain that I have had to pull back and work on the most important thing in my business—me. It all started with a groin injury in...

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