Just how exactly are you using social media to Unleash Your Brand?

Social media provides some pretty KILLA ways to Unleash Your Brand:

  • It’s a great way to network with other thought leaders.
  • You can reach perspective clients.
  • It’s a vehicle for amplifying your brand messages.
  • You can build a loyal following.

But, please note: All of this can only be achieved by developing a strategic social media plan.

Your strategic plan should be balanced and offer your audience:

  • superb content from your perspective and expertise
  • intriguing content from other thought leaders you respect and admire
  • fun and whimsical postings, showing glimpses of your personality are perfectly fine
  • case studies and testimonials of how you are serving a need in the marketplace
  • infographics, quote images, and other interesting visuals
  • video content

For social media to work, your brand must be:

  • social and engaging
  • starting conversations
  • following up with those who have connected with you
  • inspiring people to be their best
  • authentic (be YOU!)

How is your brand measuring up on social media, based on this list? 

If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s this:  the more comfortable I am in my brand messages, and the more authentic I am on social media, the more my brand appeals to others. (And that is a great feeling!)