by M. Shannon Hernandez | Content Marketing and Strategy, The Confident Expert Program
The world needs your brilliance and gifts. Do you FEEL the power in that statement? As a coach or consultant, I know we want to be spending our time doing ONE MAIN THING: coaching and consulting. But, you need clients to do that, right? Finding clients is where powerful connecting and communicating come in (ie marketing). Our future clients don’t know we exist if we aren’t connecting with them.
by M. Shannon Hernandez | Content Marketing and Strategy, The Confident Expert Program, Uncategorized
Email marketing gets a bad rap. But Why? Email marketing by FAR accounts for over 50% of my monthly revenue if not more.
by M. Shannon Hernandez | Content Marketing and Strategy, The Confident Expert Program
Every Tuesday, I go live in my Facebook Group for Training Tuesday. If you are a coach and/or consultant, this is the place to be to get REAL marketing and selling training that will get you results in your business! Episode 23: KISS – Keep It...
by M. Shannon Hernandez | The Confident Expert Program
We’re excited about helping people figure out how to make small changes in their daily lives that are building a foundation that you can span above and continue the health that you’re trying to maintain.
by M. Shannon Hernandez | Content Marketing and Strategy, The Confident Expert Program
What is the key to deep connection and relationship building in the online world? What is a story that you’re currently using in your marketing? You need to be embracing your personal story because people embrace it – they relate to it.