by M. Shannon Hernandez | Entrepreneurship, Who is Shannon?, Writing From the Heart, Writing Inspiration
I had always been a “yes” woman. You know, that woman who wants to make everyone happy, not ruffle any feathers, and above all, lend a helping hand. You must be able to relate? Well, at the beginning of this year, I decided it was time to become a “no” woman…unless...
by M. Shannon Hernandez | Content Marketing and Strategy, Copy Writing
Think email newsletters are old school with all the new-fangled ways to share content these days? WRONG. Think again! Regular email newsletters are still one of the most effective ways to market to your list. If you haven’t tried sending an email newsletter,...
by M. Shannon Hernandez | Content Marketing and Strategy, Copy Writing
I believe one of the secret weapons in a business is the eNewsletter. It is a main way you can stay connected with past clients, future clients, and those who are interested in what it is you are doing. But…before you are ready to send out newsletters, you must build...
by M. Shannon Hernandez | Branding With Words, Entrepreneurship
Every week, people continue to ask me, “Why do you put the ‘M.’ in front of your name?” Well…it’s time for me to come clean and answer this publicly. Try this: Have you googled your name lately? That’s how this whole ordeal started. One day, I googled my name,...
by M. Shannon Hernandez | Content Marketing and Strategy, Copy Writing, Write With Me!
Boring classes make me want to poke my eyeballs out. And…instructors who dominate the conversation make me want to puke. You won’t find any of this nonsense in a Writing Whisperer course. You know why? We ain’t got time for boring, drab, dry, crusty lessons. We have...