In this episode:


Talking about what to do is easy, but actually fine-tuning your messaging, defining your brand personality, and creating a consistent brand voice… well, that’s a whole other enchilada. 


Why? When you spend all your energy wordsmithing, your brand messaging, it becomes a big distraction. If you’re stuck in analysis paralysis, you’re not taking action.


The good news is you can shorten the time between planning and growth. Let’s rock n’ roll on today’s episode.


Read the companion blog post here:


Here are two takeaways from Season 7 Episode 5:

  1. Put yourself in your client’s shoes.

    What is the eye-awakening experience you want your ideal client to have?  You can pull the answer from your buyer conversations if you listen closely, reflect on that call, and shape a strategy that makes your client’s experience UNFORGETTABLE. 


  1. Take action.

Beware of the common practice of spending months upon months or even years, agonizing over the right adjective or wrong adjective to tell your brand story. It’s going to evolve as you immerse yourself in conversations with your ideal clients. If you don’t take action… you can’t create sales conversations and consistent revenue. 


    Resources from this episode: 
