Once a week, I have a coffee date with my business.

It looks like this: I sit down at my table in Brooklyn, with my journal and favorite blue ink pen and an almond milk latte, and I ask this singular question:

Hey business. How are things going for you?

And then I wait. It doesn’t take long before the answers start appearing on the page. Here’s an excerpt from one of my recent dates:

It’s time to think about more travel and consulting. How can I achieve both of these? Let’s update your funnel and offerings. OH! A Travel VIP Experience sounds joyful. Kickboxing is good for my mental health. I will keep going. I’d like to rent a beach house to co-work out of this summer with a few entrepreneurial friends. I need a new morning routine. I’m feeling frazzled.

Do you have a weekly coffee date with your biz?

If not, I’m encouraging you to do so. You will be amazed at what this singular question will do for your relationship with your business, your clients, your bank account, etc. It’s a beautiful practice in both letting go of beliefs that no longer serve you + dreaming.


Here are 4 ways I can help you grow your business:

  1. Join The Confident Expert™ Program.

This is our flagship program helping coaches and consultants around the globe make more money and impact by being EXACTLY who they already are. How freeing is that?!? We call this #JoyfulMarketing. Check out the program and apply here.

  1. Attend an in-person event.

Live events, when done correctly, transform so many pieces of you and your biz. Live events are my JAM — and I’d love to host you at an upcoming event! We’ve got a killer lineup…and you are invited!

  1. Work with me 1:1 in a VIP Experience.  

Mentorship changes you. So does kickass business and marketing strategy. Let’s work together to get you better results in your business. And remember, “If it ain’t joyful, we ain’t doin’ it!”  Simply schedule a Marketing Audit to get the convo started!

  1. Join Marketing For Thought Leaders and connect with other business owners.

This is our Facebook group where smart entrepreneurs show up to commune in a like-minded, like-hearted community.