Episode 18: Hosting Intimate & Transformational Events-Online
As we continue to take more and more of our business online, one of the things I get asked is: How can I create intimate experiences for my students and clients?
As we continue to take more and more of our business online, one of the things I get asked is: How can I create intimate experiences for my students and clients?
How can you use video to deepen your relationships, connections, and reach your ideal clients? Find out in this training.
I am a psychologist, mother of four, and CEO of Motherhood in the Making. I help moms (of children from birth to school age) reconnect with themselves.
Developing a framework for your clients (and cutting out all the fluff) is one of the BEST ways to get better client results, raving fans/referrals, and the first step to move into a 1:Many business model, if that is what you desire.
I offer Leadership Evolution & Group Facilitation to CEOs, teachers and trainers who are brilliant, and are ready to discover their global contribution
A few dots of paint here, a few defining lines there, and magically, within 75 minutes, a beautiful picture of a mother and her daughter, strolling through a rose garden emerged. I couldn’t believe it!