Joyful Clients

JoyFueled® Business Growth Program

Content Personality® Club

JoyFueled™️ Business Growth Program

Julie Amy, CEO & Executive Director, For Kid's Sake Early Learning Center
"I needed a different type of support for marketing my brick and mortar business, and I knew Shannon & Amy were the ones to help me! As my childcare centers have grown and evolved, I knew it was time for different marketing and business growth support. As a result of the JoyFueled ™ Business Growth Program, I’ve experienced creative, fresh ideas for marketing, an increase in families enrolling their children at our childcare center...
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Julie Amy
CEO & Executive Director, For Kid's Sake Early Learning Center
"I needed a different type of support for marketing my brick and mortar business, and I knew Shannon & Amy were the ones to help me! As my childcare centers have grown and evolved, I knew it was time for different marketing and business growth support. As a result of the JoyFueled™ Business Growth Program, I’ve experienced creative, fresh ideas for marketing, an increase in families enrolling their children at our childcare center, and boosts in my own confidence as a CEO. I’m opening another center this year!”
Julie Amy, CEO & Executive Director, For Kid's Sake Early Learning Center
Julie Amy
CEO & Executive Director, For Kid's Sake Early Learning Center
Ann Becks, Burnout Recovery Coach
"Shannon is the real deal. She has the experience, expertise, calls BS on things that are shiny objects, and provides practical and structured business growth consulting. You won't get "pie in the sky ” theory with this strategist —but rather real feedback that works. This is by far the best business coaching experience I've had. I had been struggling to get traction on a pivot in my business, so I hired Shannon...
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Ann Becks
Burnout Recovery Coach
"Shannon is the real deal. She has the experience, expertise, calls BS on things that are shiny objects, and provides practical and structured business growth consulting. You won't get "pie in the sky” theory with this strategist—but rather real feedback that works. This is by far the best business coaching experience I've had. I had been struggling to get traction on a pivot in my business, so I hired Shannon to help me with my messaging, email marketing strategy and overall sustainable business growth. My content is being discussed in various groups, I'm getting DMs from people who want to work with me, and leaders are reaching out to schedule workshops for their organizations. In addition to Shannon's marketing strategy and consulting skills, she's built a supportive and fantastic community. Inside her community, here is what you will find: a culture that is supportive, courageous, vulnerable and growth oriented; authentic and real people without the superficial facades; huge value from being an active participant; and something that makes me smile, with relief, every time Shannon reminds us: "If it ain't joyful, we ain't doing that sh*t"."
Ann Becks, Burnout Recovery Coach
Ann Becks
Burnout Recovery Coach
Christine Laria, Spiritual Mentor
"When I knew I had gone as far as I could go on my own, I reached out to Joyful Business Revolution and learned how to rebalance my energy in my business and how to scale beyond the stuck place I was in (doing too many non-CEO tasks). As a result of working with Shannon and Amy, I have more time off, and my coaching business has both increased in revenue and established a model that...
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Christine Laria
Spiritual Mentor
"When I knew I had gone as far as I could go on my own, I reached out to Joyful Business Revolution and learned how to rebalance my energy in my business and how to scale beyond the stuck place I was in (doing too many non-CEO tasks). As a result of working with Shannon and Amy, I have more time off, and my coaching business has both increased in revenue and established a model that can grow with me—while meeting my intention of serving more people, without burnout! Shannon offers laser-precise suggestions for strategies and messaging, as well as a pure willingness to apply her expertise in personal ways that would work specifically for me. A little is a lot with Shannon, meaning the gems and expertise that comes through in suggestions and analysis is potent and concentrated! If you are looking for a quality program, look no further!"
Christine Laria, Spiritual Mentor
Christine Laria
Spiritual Mentor
Joel Elfman, BodyMind Hypnotic
"In the JoyFueled ™ Program, I have received help with both my messaging and marketing —and I needed it! Up until this program, I was all over the place with messaging that just wasn't landing. I’ve loved being in Shannon's free community —and learning from her content. So, I decided it was time to take the next step and study from her. Shannon is an incredibly gifted teacher. She has created simple processes...
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Joel Elfman
BodyMind Hypnotic
"In the JoyFueled™ Program, I have received help with both my messaging and marketing—and I needed it! Up until this program, I was all over the place with messaging that just wasn't landing. I’ve loved being in Shannon's free community—and learning from her content. So, I decided it was time to take the next step and study from her. Shannon is an incredibly gifted teacher. She has created simple processes to help you get clear on & deliver marketing & messaging, and do it in ways that are best for the individual. My messaging and marketing have improved and this program has been most joyous for me, my life, and my business."
Joel Elfman, BodyMind Hypnotic
Joel Elfman
BodyMind Hypnotic
Cathy Lemire, The Menstrual Money Coach
"As a result of working with Shannon and Amy in the JoyFueled ™ Business Growth Program, I've met incredible people, I have a great workshop that I love putting out into the world, and I have gained confidence in the work that I'm doing. I knew I needed help with my messaging and niche. And I knew that I wouldn't be able to take my business to the next level without guidance. I loved...
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Cathy Lemire
The Menstrual Money Coach
"As a result of working with Shannon and Amy in the JoyFueled™ Business Growth Program, I've met incredible people, I have a great workshop that I love putting out into the world, and I have gained confidence in the work that I'm doing. I knew I needed help with my messaging and niche. And I knew that I wouldn't be able to take my business to the next level without guidance. I loved my 1:1's with Amy! She always helped me work through my self-doubt and gave me lots of love—with a direct kick in the pants—so I could get my marketing out into the world. his is an incredibly caring and supportive community. The Joy Money Retreat that comes with this program is so worth it! You will laugh, you might cry, and you will most definitely come away with an incredibly transformative experience for your business growth and your own personal growth."
Cathy Lemire, The Menstrual Money Coach
Cathy Lemire
The Menstrual Money Coach
Melanie Cross
"This program is well worth the investment. If you are looking for knowledgeable and caring coaches to guide you and provide effective strategies, this is it! Amy and Shannon operate with full integrity, transparency, honesty and fun. As a result of this program, I have become more clear in my messaging, have way more confidence to speak about my mission, and I am delivering online workshops and webinars that deliver value while...
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Melanie Cross
Functional Plant Medicine Practitioner
"This program is well worth the investment. If you are looking for knowledgeable and caring coaches to guide you and provide effective strategies, this is it! Amy and Shannon operate with full integrity, transparency, honesty and fun. As a result of this program, I have become more clear in my messaging, have way more confidence to speak about my mission, and I am delivering online workshops and webinars that deliver value while resulting in sales! I am growing my business in a fun way—and I have formed relationships with others in this community that will last a lifetime."
Melanie Cross
Melanie Cross
Functional Plant Medicine Practitioner
Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage, Parent Coach
"When I first saw Shannon and Amy on a Zoom presentation —I loved their energy and the JOY focus. The Content Personality ® Quiz sealed the deal the deal for me. I finally found a way to market that resonated with me. I decided to join this program because I was getting advice and directed to market (from a different coach) in a way I did not want to go. The insistence of spending money on...
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Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage
Parent Coach
"When I first saw Shannon and Amy on a Zoom presentation—I loved their energy and the JOY focus. The Content Personality® Quiz sealed the deal the deal for me. I finally found a way to market that resonated with me. I decided to join this program because I was getting advice and directed to market (from a different coach) in a way I did not want to go.  The insistence of spending money on Facebook ads, being on TicTok and spending to earn were all not inspiring to me. Once I got started with Shannon and Amy, I felt like I was so aligned with how I wanted to grow my business. I was also excited that there was not pressure or convincing me to do things that made me uncomfortable. They ask deep questions, give practical advice and allowed me to take the lead. What I valued most about this program was learning a marketing process that felt good to me and WORKED!!  The Soulful Sales Script framework they teach changed the way I sell—and made it simple and natural. If you are looking for business growth advice that is as unique as you are, jump right into this program and get started!"
Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage, Parent Coach
Dr. Judy Sullivan Osterhage
Parent Coach
Aimee Russel, Hair Studio Owner
"I joined JoyFueled ™ because I wanted to get more clients and I needed help with content creation. I needed a coach and mentor because I took a 13 year leave from the hair industry to have children. When I returned, I realized how much things had changed. I felt that I needed to go to “school”, so I could learn how to properly run my business and market myself. As a result of working...
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Aimee Russel
Hair Studio Owner
"I joined JoyFueled™ because I wanted to get more clients and I needed help with content creation. I needed a coach and mentor because I took a 13 year leave from the hair industry to have children. When I returned, I realized how much things had changed. I felt that I needed to go to “school”, so I could learn how to properly run my business and market myself. As a result of working with Shannon and Amy, I have become clear and aligned with my offerings. I learned many valuable things about messaging and marketing, and attracting the right clientele for me. I feel more confident and comfortable with money. I 3x my revenue (year 1 - $11,000 to year 2 with this program, $30,000). I now own and operate my own studio space. I took a year-long journey of deep, insightful self-reflection. If you are looking to run your business around your life and from your heart, I highly recommend Amy & Shannon to help guide the way. It’s been AMAZING!!"
Aimee Russel, Hair Studio Owner
Aimee Russel
Hair Studio Owner
Audrey Godwin, Chief Financial Officer
"When I enrolled in the JoyFueled ™ Busienss Growth Program, I was looking to fine tune messaging and have a simple, yet effective organic marketing plan. I knew I needed a mentor because I needed guidance from someone successful with authentic and caring marketing and who treats potential clients as a human and not just $$$ in their wallet. Enter Shannon and Amy! Since joining this program, I have gotten really clear that I want...
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Audrey Godwin
Chief Financial Officer
"When I enrolled in the JoyFueled™ Busienss Growth Program, I was looking to fine tune messaging and have a simple, yet effective organic marketing plan. I knew I needed a mentor because I needed guidance from someone successful with authentic and caring marketing and who treats potential clients as a human and not just $$$ in their wallet. Enter Shannon and Amy! Since joining this program, I have gotten really clear that I want to be getting the message of Whole Soul Finance out and begin a movement. That I want to be creating and building a training and development company—and not just focus on coaching. If you are considering mentors for your business growth, Amy and Shannon listen with their whole hearts. They helped me see that organic marketing is not like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. It is real and it brings clients to whom you are the answer to their prayers. Working with Shannon and Amy is like going to the chiropractor - you get aligned while working out the strategy and growth. And they encourage looking at the data to make adjustments. But most of all, I love working with them because I experience joy!"
Audrey Godwin, Chief Financial Officer
Audrey Godwin
Chief Financial Officer
Amonda Rose
“Working with Shannon in The JoyFueled ™ Program allowed me to put a sales team in place for my business, as well as add a VA and copywriter to my team. My leadership has grown significantly, and I now have clear communication with my team and can approach difficult situations, instead of sweeping them under the rug. During our time together, I narrowed down to a niche that has allowed me to reach more...
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AmondaRose Igoe
Speaking Success Strategist
“Working with Shannon in The JoyFueled™ Program allowed me to put a sales team in place for my business, as well as add a VA and copywriter to my team. My leadership has grown significantly, and I now have clear communication with my team and can approach difficult situations, instead of sweeping them under the rug. During our time together, I narrowed down to a niche that has allowed me to reach more of my ideal clients, and I raised my rates. I love my new VIP Day offering–and my sales team has been selling them. This feels so good!”
Amonda Rose
AmondaRose Igoe
Speaking Success Strategist
Dana Magnus
When I enrolled in The JoyFueled ™️ Program, I was looking for how to operate more profitably in my business. The small group mastermind sessions were exciting and brought a fresh perspective with a feeling of a very elite, exclusive space and environment. They were inviting, supportive, and highly focused on the participants, giving us key takeaways each and every meeting, so that we felt like we received immense value and clarity...
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Dana Magnus
CEO at MKTG Brand
When I enrolled in The JoyFueled™️ Program, I was looking for how to operate more profitably in my business. The small group mastermind sessions were exciting and brought a fresh perspective with a feeling of a very elite, exclusive space and environment. They were inviting, supportive, and highly focused on the participants, giving us key takeaways each and every meeting, so that we felt like we received immense value and clarity when gathering together. I loved that we infused a little bit of humor, tough-love, and lots of personal insight from our unique business backgrounds and personalities. This group truly felt like “us” together working to level-up not only ourselves, but each other! One of the biggest results from being in The JoyFueled™️ Program has been a total transformation: I have cut my work time each month to just 10 days (a huge contrast from 60+ hour weeks) while still maintaining the impact I am making. I created a tremendously profitable and joyful VIP Day offering, and I fired the clients and programs that no longer served me. Most importantly, I learned how to confidently say, “NO” to anything that didn’t fulfill my joy-meter or my bank account- something I highly recommend to each and every woman CEO who wants to be a joyful leader and build the brand and life they desire!
Dana Magnus
Dana Magnus
CEO at MKTG Brand
Stacy Christopher
“Before joining the JoyFueled ™️ Program, I felt like my business was something I was playing or experimenting with. The mastermind sessions in this program are fantastic, because I got to interact with other business owners who could relate to what I was going through behind the scenes in my own business. The clarity that Shannon brings into this program is unparalleled. I have clearly defined my role as CEO, I have gained confidence...
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Stacy Christopher
Visual Communication Coach
“Before joining the JoyFueled™️ Program, I felt like my business was something I was playing or experimenting with. The mastermind sessions in this program are fantastic, because I got to interact with other business owners who could relate to what I was going through behind the scenes in my own business. The clarity that Shannon brings into this program is unparalleled. I have clearly defined my role as CEO, I have gained confidence in what I am selling and who I am selling it to, and my clients are getting all the results I knew were possible for them! I’m most proud of my Lead Gen workshops! Focusing on the workshops at the front end of my funnel has shifted everything in my business model. Shannon helped me understand that my best sales tool is by demonstrating and allowing others to experience my work. People are begging for the replays AND sending in their visual communication from the workshops to my email–and posting on social media. I am forever grateful for this program and the love and care I received while here!”
Stacy Christopher
Stacy Christopher
Visual Communication Coach
Steven Stokes & Shoshanna French
“The JoyFueled ™️ Program helped us change the format of our business and our growth during this time showed us what was possible for the future. We learned how to be open every day (instead of launch) and create a business structure that is made up of groups –and this is one of my favorite things to lead now! We understood the role of CEO and how to fulfill that role and build our team to support the CEO...
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Steven Stokes & Shoshanna French
Simple Spirit
“The JoyFueled™️ Program helped us change the format of our business and our growth during this time showed us what was possible for the future. We learned how to be open every day (instead of launch) and create a business structure that is made up of groups–and this is one of my favorite things to lead now! We understood the role of CEO and how to fulfill that role and build our team to support the CEO. We learned where we were bottlenecking the business and we fixed these bottlenecks! We clarified our customer and launched group programs. Our website redesign is underway. Group programs and recurring revenue make sense to us now. We now have a legit pipeline for sales and a process for selling that works for us. We have sales calls every week now!”
Steven Stokes & Shoshanna French
Steven Stokes & Shoshanna French
Simple Spirit
Joan Van De Griek
“In the past 12 months, with Shannon’s help in JoyFueled ™️ Program, I’ve increased my revenue by 170%. I am way more calm because I have so much more clarity and direction. I have such a willingness for this business to grow even more – now that I know it doesn’t have to be a beast and own me. Working with Shannon on the business structure and having her help with team onboarding was invaluable...
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Joan Van De Griek
Joan Van De Griek
“In the past 12 months, with Shannon’s help in JoyFueled™️ Program, I’ve increased my revenue by 170%. I am way more calm because I have so much more clarity and direction. I have such a willingness for this business to grow even more – now that I know it doesn’t have to be a beast and own me. Working with Shannon on the business structure and having her help with team onboarding was invaluable. We also spent much-needed time getting clarity on the messaging (for the insurance side) which increased the leads and quality of leads. Above all, we learned we can grow without the stress! This is huge!”
Joan Van De Griek
Joan Van De Griek
Joan Van De Griek
Melanie Herschorn
“When I joined The JoyFueled ™️ Program, I knew that I needed help with selling my existing programs. I felt like the success I was having was not sustainable, because I really didn’t have a good systems in place. But what I learned while in this amazing program helped me revamp my entire business into something that brings me joy and feels more aligned than I could ever have imagined. Not only did Shannon help...
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Melanie Herschorn
VIP Digital Content
“When I joined The JoyFueled™️ Program, I knew that I needed help with selling my existing programs. I felt like the success I was having was not sustainable, because I really didn’t have a good systems in place. But what I learned while in this amazing program helped me revamp my entire business into something that brings me joy and feels more aligned than I could ever have imagined. Not only did Shannon help me discover where and how to bring joy into my business, but workshopping questions with the other incredibly talented and amazing women in the program really helped too. I’ve made lifelong friendships and business relationships thanks to this program.I called myself a CEO before joining this program but now I *am* a CEO. I understand how to run my business and how to do it through a lens of joy. If you’re ready to take your business and your life to a place of happiness and alignment, run, don’t walk to get yourself a spot here.”
Melanie Herschorn
Melanie Herschorn
VIP Digital Content

Content Personality™️ Club

Veronica Drake, Intuitive Business Coach
"I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on programs and promises only to be disappointed and it's not because I "don't do the work." I am a mover and a doer. I feel the monies spent on other coaches and services were all to help me recognize the real deal, M. Shannon Hernandez. This lady walks her talk. I was circling her and VERY skeptical for a while, as I had PTSD from past business growth coaching programs and experiences. So, ...
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Veronica Drake
Intuitive Business Coach
"I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on programs and promises only to be disappointed and it's not because I "don't do the work." I am a mover and a doer. I feel the monies spent on other coaches and services were all to help me recognize the real deal, M. Shannon Hernandez. This lady walks her talk. I was circling her and VERY skeptical for a while, as I had PTSD from past business growth coaching programs and experiences. So, I tipped toed in with Shannon, taking bite sized pieces of her trainings, and over the course of a few months I came to realize this:This woman knows her stuff. Period. She has proved it over and over again as I get new results in my business week after week. If you are even remotely circling this woman and wondering if you should go all in - STOP circling and JUMP. I swear it will be one of the biggest changes you will experience in your business!"
Veronica Drake, Intuitive Business Coach
Veronica Drake
Intuitive Business Coach
Daniela S. Borgialli, Tango Instructor
"The Content Personality ® Club has helped me with clarity, consistency, and to NOT sound like everyone else in my niche. I have loved the hands-on messaging support, the templates, and the copy writing tips and topics each month. I really like the opportunity to interact with other members. I am grateful that 1 of the members offered up time for us to meet outside of the club to help each other with...
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Daniela S. Borgialli
Tango Instructor
"The Content Personality® Club has helped me with clarity, consistency, and to NOT sound like everyone else in my niche. I have loved the hands-on messaging support, the templates, and the copy writing tips and topics each month. I really like the opportunity to interact with other members. I am grateful that 1 of the members offered up time for us to meet outside of the club to help each other with our content. If you are looking for messaging help, The Club will help you gain precision and simplicity. Being part of a group of people all in the same boat - is also helpful. I found that seeing the others' examples helped me to hone in on what I am wanting to say."
Daniela S. Borgialli, Tango Instructor
Daniela S. Borgialli
Tango Instructor
Kerstin Peters, German Language Instructor and Artist
"I have been part of the Content Personality ® Club for about a year. M. Shannon Hernandez and Amy Hager give us excellent information to improve our messaging and guide us to stand out from the crowd. However, the real magic happens when we connect with group members to get feedback when we work on fine-tuning our messages. Sometimes, we are so involved in our business and the expressions we use that we miss...
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Kerstin Peters
German Language Instructor and Artist
"I have been part of the Content Personality® Club for about a year. M. Shannon Hernandez and Amy Hager give us excellent information to improve our messaging and guide us to stand out from the crowd. However, the real magic happens when we connect with group members to get feedback when we work on fine-tuning our messages. Sometimes, we are so involved in our business and the expressions we use that we miss what someone outside of our industry/niche understands. When other members, who don’t know your business, ask you specific questions, you get more clarity too. Plus, you get honest feedback that your potential clients might be too reluctant to express. If you are struggling to reach your audience, investing in the Content Personality Club will give you access to Shannon, Amy, fellow business owners and the content library to improve your messaging and get more clear about your mission—and how to break through the many voices to stand out from the crowd."
Kerstin Peters, German Language Instructor and Artist
Kerstin Peters
German Language Instructor and Artist
Susan Maldonado, Wallet Wise Coaching
"In the Content Personality ® Club, I learned about content creation, focused messaging, and most importantly, how to create a business I love using my strengths. Recognizing I'm a Live/in person gave me permission to let go of the pressure to use social media, which I find a chore, and do more networking events, which is where I shine. My business is very small. I really only work part time...
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Susan Maldonado
Wallet Wise Coaching
"In the Content Personality® Club, I learned about content creation, focused messaging, and most importantly, how to create a business I love using my strengths. Recognizing I'm a Live/in person gave me permission to let go of the pressure to use social media, which I find a chore, and do more networking events, which is where I shine. My business is very small. I really only work part time, and that's just how I like it at this season in life... I'm traveling and spending more time with our sons who will be leaving the nest soon, as well as my aging parents. This program was priceless and I highly recommend it!"
Susan Maldonado, Wallet Wise Coaching
Susan Maldonado
Wallet Wise Coaching
“I joined The Club because I had a disconnect between my offerings and the people I intended to reach. I needed help with messaging that would attract my target audience. The Club gives me “big picture thinking ” with small actionable tools like how to craft and convey my message. For example, I had to step back and think about my Values. This one exercise provided me tangible results: I realized how I stand out...
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Financial Coach
“I joined The Club because I had a disconnect between my offerings and the people I intended to reach. I needed help with messaging that would attract my target audience. The Club gives me “big picture thinking” with small actionable tools like how to craft and convey my message. For example, I had to step back and think about my Values. This one exercise provided me tangible results: I realized how I stand out from my competition (I’m a financial coach who values FUN), and I have now incorporated my values into my website, promotional videos, social media posts, and emails.”
Financial Coach
“Since join The CLUB, my messaging feels on brand with my mission and vision –and my content is way more dialed in and focused. There are more people interacting and engaging with my content. Please join us! There is no other place that is going to help you break down the messaging strategy, help you create your the messaging (in your own style), and show you how to distribute the content using your Content Personality
Memoir Coach
“Since join The CLUB, my messaging feels on brand with my mission and vision–and my content is way more dialed in and focused. There are more people interacting and engaging with my content. Please join us! There is no other place that is going to help you break down the messaging strategy, help you create your the messaging (in your own style), and show you how to distribute the content using your Content Personality®!”
Memoir Coach
Dr. Judy Osterhage
“I didn’t realize I was getting such bad advice form other programs until I started the Content Personality ® Club. Before joining The CLUB, my business felt like groundhog day with messaging and marketing that just didn’t work. I’ve stopped paying for useless Facebook ads and now create messaging that matters –it actually reflects who I am and what I offer the world. I think one of the things I enjoy most about the club is...
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Dr. Judy Osterhage
Parenting Coach
“I didn’t realize I was getting such bad advice form other programs until I started the Content Personality® Club. Before joining The CLUB, my business felt like groundhog day with messaging and marketing that just didn’t work. I’ve stopped paying for useless Facebook ads and now create messaging that matters–it actually reflects who I am and what I offer the world. I think one of the things I enjoy most about the club is that it feels like I belong here. Shannon and Amy know my name and they know what I do! This is a club that grows with your needs, supports your ideas and helps you be motivated to create messaging that calls in your aligned audience.”
Dr. Judy Osterhage
Dr. Judy Osterhage
Parenting Coach
“As a Live/In-Person Content Personality ® who focuses on online/digital events, I desired to find the right support to make my business offers shine. The sense of community in The Club is just wonderful. Everyone is there to support one another and cheer each other on. If you’re not using the right words and honing in on your unique talents and skills (based on your Content Personality ®), it’s almost like you’re just treading water! ”...
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Queer Spiritual Mentor
“As a Live/In-Person Content Personality® who focuses on online/digital events, I desired to find the right support to make my business offers shine. The sense of community in The Club is just wonderful. Everyone is there to support one another and cheer each other on. If you’re not using the right words and honing in on your unique talents and skills (based on your Content Personality®), it’s almost like you’re just treading water!” As a result of The CPC, my website has new gorgeous graphics showcasing my offers with so much more clarity and BRILLIANCE! I feel proud of my work, know that the words I’ve used are IMPACTFUL, and that I am aligned with the right audience I want to gather for Living Luna.”
Queer Spiritual Mentor

More Joyful Clients

Lynette Davis, Spiritual Mentor & Retreat Leader 
"My VIP Day with Shannon was outstanding! I needed help articulating my vision for an immersive soul care experience for women change makers. During our time together, Shannon worked walked me through her step by step process for...
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Lynette Davis
Spiritual Mentor & Retreat Leader 
"My VIP Day with Shannon was outstanding! I needed help articulating my vision for an immersive soul care experience for women change makers. During our time together, Shannon worked walked me through her step by step process for writing a message that came from my heart, while also being clear about how I wanted to be in service to the women I feel led to work with. During our time together, I was able to identify who my heart most wanted to hold space for in my programming, and because of our work together, I was able to speak directly to those women. If you are serious about getting your messaging as clear as possible without sounding like a “marketing bro”, I highly suggest Shannon and her team!”
Lynette Davis, Spiritual Mentor & Retreat Leader 
Lynette Davis
Spiritual Mentor & Retreat Leader 
Alan Cohen, Public Speaking & Executive Coach
"When I reached out to work with Shannon, I really needed more focus and clarity on my offers, and a pivot to positioning my business as a public speaking coach. I needed support in not only crafting...
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Alan Cohen
Public Speaking & Executive Coach
"When I reached out to work with Shannon, I really needed more focus and clarity on my offers, and a pivot to positioning my business as a public speaking coach. I needed support in not only crafting my offer and marketing it, but developing curriculum that got my clients results. Shannon’s genius is helping me simplify everything, so I don’t feel overwhelmed. She has so much experience in all areas of growing a sustainable business and always has great advice and counsel. Within 3 months of working together, I had repositioned my expertise, developed a 4 week public speaking program with top-notch curriculum…and filled my first cohort with paying clients! If you are thinking about working with Shannon, know this: She is a magician when it comes to email and content marketing, pricing and program design, and bringing JOY to your work (even when there is much to do and accomplish).”
Alan Cohen, Public Speaking & Executive Coach
Alan Cohen
Public Speaking & Executive Coach
Minette Riordan
"I hired Shannon to work with me 1-1 on a workshop I was offering that was attracting a lot of people but wasn't converting to my year long group program. I was feeling frustrated and not sure what to...
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Minette Riordan
Founder of Mindful Patterns, LLC
"I hired Shannon to work with me 1-1 on a workshop I was offering that was attracting a lot of people but wasn't converting to my year long group program. I was feeling frustrated and not sure what to try next, if I just needed to toss the whole idea out and start over. Shannon not only helped me restructure the workshop to be more effective, she encouraged me to raise the price. We not only sold more of the workshops at the higher price (over 200 people) enrolled, we had a much better show up rate and were super happy with the conversions, adding 12 new people to our year long group coaching program. This was our best event yet! But wait, it keeps getting better! Today I am sitting down to work on the next workshop that is the same format with a different theme and it is soooo easy! I have Shannon's brilliant template and notes from our 1-1 work today and it's cutting my prep time in half. I know this event will be just as positive as the previous one.  Thank you Shannon! So grateful for your support and the loving kick in the ass to stop over teaching, raise my rates and still deliver a high quality, high integrity workshop!"
Minette Riordan
Minette Riordan
Founder of Mindful Patterns, LLC
Amy Flores-Young
"In the VIP Vacation, Shannon cut out all the noise to drill into the MAIN and TRANSFORMATIONAL portions of my offers. Her unique step by step process weaves together a powerful message that is still unmistakably "mine" and...
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Amy Flores-Young
Retreat Concierge
"In the VIP Vacation, Shannon cut out all the noise to drill into the MAIN and TRANSFORMATIONAL portions of my offers. Her unique step by step process weaves together a powerful message that is still unmistakably "mine" and helps me stand out in my niche. In the two weeks since sharing what we developed at the VIP Vacation, I have had 5 interest calls, signed 2 new clients and most importantly, have disqualified 8 client leads (saving me tons of time and energy)! You will never be disappointed in investing and spending time in Shannon's universe. Her word-smith magic in combination of her open heart and true sense of making everything joyful is energy I want to be around every day!"
Amy Flores-Young
Amy Flores-Young
Retreat Concierge
Carolyn Romano
"I loved my VIP Vacation with Shannon! I attended this event because I was looking for some guidance around my next shamanic offer and its structure. One of the greatest things about working with Shannon is her belief in...
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Carolyn Romano
Spiritual Coach
"I loved my VIP Vacation with Shannon! I attended this event because I was looking for some guidance around my next shamanic offer and its structure. One of the greatest things about working with Shannon is her belief in YOUR work. She really is your biggest cheerleader — and gives you the individualized attention so that your messaging and marketing feels good and lands with your audience. If you have been thinking about attending a VIP Vacation with Shannon, do it! The world needs you and your unique gifts—and Shannon will help you reach your people!"
Carolyn Romano
Carolyn Romano
Spiritual Coach
Matt Stone
"In our VIP Day, Shannon was just the strategic partner I needed to help me reimagine and reinvent my business strategy. We needed to stop being a reactionary company and narrow our offerings, so that we could...
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Matt Stone
Leadership Coach
"In our VIP Day, Shannon was just the strategic partner I needed to help me reimagine and reinvent my business strategy. We needed to stop being a reactionary company and narrow our offerings, so that we could focus on building the processes that will help us reach and help more clients. Shannon’s rare combination of strategic thinking, messaging brilliance, and joy-in-everything approach was the perfect fit for helping me take our offers, messaging, and systems to the next level, and to make sure that all of that is an authentic representation of me. I made more progress toward narrowing and refining our messaging and strategy in a month than I made in the several years prior to working with Shannon. I had been inside of my own world and was struggling to get any meaningful perspective. Shannon got me there very quickly. If you are truly open to letting a caring and unafraid strategist partner with you, I can’t think of a better choice than Shannon."
Matt Stone
Matt Stone
Leadership Coach
Anastasiya Rutus
“I hired Amy to help me with my marketing because I was looking for a business coach, so that I could find a cohesive way for my marketing to land with my target audience. What I loved about...
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Anastasiya Rutus
Rest Coach
“I hired Amy to help me with my marketing because I was looking for a business coach, so that I could find a cohesive way for my marketing to land with my target audience. What I loved about working with Amy is the very individualized approach she uses to coach. She knows the aspects that needed to be covered, and she was also open to listening to how and where I was each and every session. I appreciated the fact that Amy was agile enough and adaptive to guide me and help me find my own way. If you're looking for someone who has great business and marketing knowledge, who will listen, understand, and support you, .Amy is awesome!”
Anastasiya Rutus
Anastasiya Rutus
Rest Coach
Stephanie Steyer
"Getting Shannon's help creating my Signature Method was the best thing I've done for my business, ever! I've worked with several coaches over the years. I've had so many different business models that it makes my head spin thinking about ...
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Stephanie Steyer
Creator of the Muse Method™
"Getting Shannon's help creating my Signature Method was the best thing I've done for my business, ever! I've worked with several coaches over the years. I've had so many different business models that it makes my head spin thinking about them all. (None of those models worked for my business, because I was constantly in creation mode.) The time I spent with Shannon produced The. Best. Method. for myself and my business. I am truly grateful to Shannon, Amy, and the whole team for helping create this incredible experience which has simplified and streamlined everything!"
Stephanie Steyer
Stephanie Steyer
Creator of the Muse Method™
Charlotte Allen
"I needed a way to put structure around the course I wanted to create. I wanted to make sure that people got what they expected out of the course/workshops and creating a Signature Method made this easy! The process ...
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Charlotte Allen
Rebel Success Architect
"I needed a way to put structure around the course I wanted to create. I wanted to make sure that people got what they expected out of the course/workshops and creating a Signature Method made this easy! The process of working with Shannon and Amy provided me with a way to quickly get my Signature Method outlined and developed. I also walked away with key marketing themes that I could use to market my Signature Method."
Charlotte Allen
Charlotte Allen
Rebel Success Architect
Jenny Zachary
"Having a Signature Method has allowed me to streamline the work I do. I've been a consultant who takes on projects and starts "from scratch" on every project. But developing a Signature Method helped me realize that no matter what ...
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Jenny Zachary
Leadership Coach
"Having a Signature Method has allowed me to streamline the work I do. I've been a consultant who takes on projects and starts "from scratch" on every project. But developing a Signature Method helped me realize that no matter what the project, there's a method that I use with every client, so they get results. By honing my own method, I feel like I can talk more clearly about what it is I do and provide even better results because I am less likely to off on unrelated tangents while working with clients."
Jenny Zachary
Jenny Zachary
Leadership Coach
Abeki Carter
"After working with Shannon, I felt a ton of weight lift off my shoulders. I now have a sales page, social media content, and newsletter content that doesn't feel sales-y — and is true to who...
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Abeki Carter
Event Educator
"After working with Shannon, I felt a ton of weight lift off my shoulders. I now have a sales page, social media content, and newsletter content that doesn't feel sales-y — and is true to who I am."
Abeki Carter
Abeki Carter
Event Educator
Diana Lidstone
“When I contacted The Joyful Business Revolution, I was looking for clarity around messaging and how to weave this message through my entire business. I wanted a mentor who could help me simplify my business and needed someone...
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Diana Lidstone
Business Coach
“When I contacted The Joyful Business Revolution, I was looking for clarity around messaging and how to weave this message through my entire business. I wanted a mentor who could help me simplify my business and needed someone from the outside to take a look at what was going on within the business. As a result of our work together, I have so much more ease and confidence in my messaging—and I stopped being a squirrel and instead embraced laser focus. What I loved about working with Amy is we didn’t waste time on parts of my business that were working — instead we focused on improving and strengthening the parts that needed enhancing. If you are looking for a mentor that will get down to business with you, waste zero time, and give you specific, actionable homework that isn’t overwhelming, reach out to this team. They have an ability to simplify it all and help you get it implemented ASAP!”
Diana Lidstone
Diana Lidstone
Business Coach
Dana Magnus
When I enrolled in The JoyFueled ™️ Program, I was looking for how to operate more profitably in my business. The small group mastermind sessions were exciting and brought a fresh perspective with a feeling of a very...
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Dana Magnus
CEO at MKTG Brand
When I enrolled in The JoyFueled™️ Program, I was looking for how to operate more profitably in my business. The small group mastermind sessions were exciting and brought a fresh perspective with a feeling of a very elite, exclusive space and environment. They were inviting, supportive, and highly focused on the participants, giving us key takeaways each and every meeting, so that we felt like we received immense value and clarity when gathering together. I loved that we infused a little bit of humor, tough-love, and lots of personal insight from our unique business backgrounds and personalities. This group truly felt like “us” together working to level-up not only ourselves, but each other! One of the biggest results from being in The JoyFueled™️ Program has been a total transformation: I have cut my work time each month to just 10 days (a huge contrast from 60+ hour weeks) while still maintaining the impact I am making. I created a tremendously profitable and joyful VIP Day offering, and I fired the clients and programs that no longer served me. Most importantly, I learned how to confidently say, “NO” to anything that didn’t fulfill my joy-meter or my bank account- something I highly recommend to each and every woman CEO who wants to be a joyful leader and build the brand and life they desire!
Dana Magnus
Dana Magnus
CEO at MKTG Brand
Stacy Christopher
“Before joining the JoyFueled ™️ Program, I felt like my business was something I was playing or experimenting with. The mastermind sessions in this program are fantastic, because I got to interact with other business owners who...
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Stacy Christopher
Visual Communication Coach
“Before joining the JoyFueled™️ Program, I felt like my business was something I was playing or experimenting with. The mastermind sessions in this program are fantastic, because I got to interact with other business owners who could relate to what I was going through behind the scenes in my own business. The clarity that Shannon brings into this program is unparalleled. I have clearly defined my role as CEO, I have gained confidence in what I am selling and who I am selling it to, and my clients are getting all the results I knew were possible for them! I’m most proud of my Lead Gen workshops! Focusing on the workshops at the front end of my funnel has shifted everything in my business model. Shannon helped me understand that my best sales tool is by demonstrating and allowing others to experience my work. People are begging for the replays AND sending in their visual communication from the workshops to my email–and posting on social media. I am forever grateful for this program and the love and care I received while here!”
Stacy Christopher
Stacy Christopher
Visual Communication Coach
Steven Stokes & Shoshanna French
“The JoyFueled ™️ Program helped us change the format of our business and our growth during this time showed us what was possible for the future. We learned how to be open every day (instead of launch) and create...
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Steven Stokes & Shoshanna French
Simple Spirit
“The JoyFueled™️ Program helped us change the format of our business and our growth during this time showed us what was possible for the future. We learned how to be open every day (instead of launch) and create a business structure that is made up of groups–and this is one of my favorite things to lead now! We understood the role of CEO and how to fulfill that role and build our team to support the CEO. We learned where we were bottlenecking the business and we fixed these bottlenecks! We clarified our customer and launched group programs. Our website redesign is underway. Group programs and recurring revenue make sense to us now. We now have a legit pipeline for sales and a process for selling that works for us. We have sales calls every week now!”
Steven Stokes & Shoshanna French
Steven Stokes & Shoshanna French
Simple Spirit
Erin Knox Thomas
“When I reached out to Shannon and Amy for help, I was seeking direction and clarity. I had long suspected that my writing business would be difficult to scale, so I was interested in exploring that option...
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Erin Knox Thomas
“When I reached out to Shannon and Amy for help, I was seeking direction and clarity. I had long suspected that my writing business would be difficult to scale, so I was interested in exploring that option, or others. I wanted their help because I know the magic that happens when you put passionate, driven, creative, intelligent, joyous brains together! I wanted someone who had ‘been there, done that’ to help me process all that was swirling around in my head. As a result of working with this team, I got my creative juices flowing and had a new idea of what my next business model could look like. Amy, who worked closely with me, provided regular, consistent communication, as well as a calming and peaceful energy during this chaotic time. Amy is a wonderfully centered and grounding energy that can be so valuable during seasons of life/business that feel NOT centered and grounded. She genuinely cares about the people she’s working with and the sincerity behind her emotions shines through. There’s something about being GENUINELY seen and heard and valued during times of change/transition/uncertainty that truly elevate the experience. (This is a key piece that I wasn’t even aware of during my initial search and interview process for a mentor, but will definitely prioritize when evaluating future partnerships.)”
Erin Knox Thomas
Erin Knox Thomas
Melanie Herschorn
“When I joined The JoyFueled ™️ Program, I knew that I needed help with selling my existing programs. I felt like the success I was having was not sustainable, because I really didn’t have a good systems...
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Melanie Herschorn
VIP Digital Content
“When I joined The JoyFueled™️ Program, I knew that I needed help with selling my existing programs. I felt like the success I was having was not sustainable, because I really didn’t have a good systems in place. But what I learned while in this amazing program helped me revamp my entire business into something that brings me joy and feels more aligned than I could ever have imagined. Not only did Shannon help me discover where and how to bring joy into my business, but workshopping questions with the other incredibly talented and amazing women in the program really helped too. I’ve made lifelong friendships and business relationships thanks to this program.I called myself a CEO before joining this program but now I *am* a CEO. I understand how to run my business and how to do it through a lens of joy. If you’re ready to take your business and your life to a place of happiness and alignment, run, don’t walk to get yourself a spot here.”
Melanie Herschorn
Melanie Herschorn
VIP Digital Content
Jill Leigh
“I was inspired by Shannon’s statement in a one-hour training where she said that our mailing list is our most important asset. So true! I decided in that moment to take back my list, transition out of having...
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Jill Leigh
Energy Healing Institute
“I was inspired by Shannon’s statement in a one-hour training where she said that our mailing list is our most important asset. So true! I decided in that moment to take back my list, transition out of having a team member communicate to my list and to do it myself. From there, I realized that I needed to anchor into new communication strategies that would match the sophistication of my products and brand, while giving my authentic voice the chance to shine. I wanted to look at my programs and courses and figure out the right approach to my marketing that would generate new clients. Shannon is a true pleasure to work with: Clear, insightful thinking, a strategic approach, and tactical suggestions. Nothing pie in the sky, nothing that reeks of formulaic nonsense. We unpacked a strategy that reflects my brand, what I want to do with my business, and how I want to be seen and heard by my clients and practitioners. Since working with Shannon I’ve seen a significant uptick in practitioners joining my program, I’ve seen more people signing up for my courses, and I’m interacting in powerful ways with my list. It’s lovely! When you work with Shannon, be prepared to enjoy marketing. Be prepared to find your best approach to connecting with your potential clients. Be prepared to nurture your leads to closure. You’ll also let go of old stories of how marketing is supposed to be. Shannon will help you land in what’s true and right for you. It’ll be a winning “formula”.
Jill Leigh
Jill Leigh
Energy Healing Institute
Melissa Copeland
“I partnered with Shannon because I needed more targeted messaging and copy to help me express what I do in plain and simple language for my marketing and website copy. Shannon and I worked together to discover the right...
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Melissa Copeland
Blue Orbit Consulting
“I partnered with Shannon because I needed more targeted messaging and copy to help me express what I do in plain and simple language for my marketing and website copy. Shannon and I worked together to discover the right words for attracting my ideal clients, to determine an approach to joyful content marketing, and to inspire me to “just get going”. As a result of working with Shannon, I now have updated website copy, a content marketing plan, and revised qualification questions for prospects/sales calls. All of this has lead to targeting my clients with messaging that converts leads to clients! Shannon is a great listener, and she understands the value of customized collateral. We did the work together, which I valued so much (and meant I didn’t have to struggle with templates or trying to figure out what step to take next.). Shannon will put together a plan just for you and outline what needs to happen–so the plan actually gets done. It was a true pleasure to work side by side with her.”
Melissa Copeland
Melissa Copeland
Blue Orbit Consulting
Lisa Pachence
“When I reached out to Shannon, I was looking to build out a scaling strategy that aligned with what I naturally do well and what my high level mission is. I was stuck in the minutia of what...
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Lisa Pachence
“When I reached out to Shannon, I was looking to build out a scaling strategy that aligned with what I naturally do well and what my high level mission is. I was stuck in the minutia of what structures would drain my time and resources, versus what would source and fulfill me. In our work together, Shannon specifically helped me with three valuable aspects of my business: 1) A scalable model for group coaching that allows me to extend my reach and impact, 2) Facebook Community Strategies, and 3) A valuable and exciting clarity tool to attract new clients. As a result of working with Shannon, I have a crystal clear direction for what’s next in my business, from using small group structure and and 1:1 clients to scaling my impact. If you are thinking about hiring Shannon for your business growth needs, know that she is brilliant at identifying your authentic, real, heart-felt way of building a pipeline of ideal clients. Shannon will also help you identify and implement simple and straightforward ways to build out revenue, while having the relationships and impact you desire.”
Lisa Pachence
Lisa Pachence
Alia Jamal
“I wanted my business to come to life and I knew I needed expert help, so I reached out to Shannon. I also wanted to create my first group program. I always dreamed of having a group...
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Alia Jamal
The Love Coach
“I wanted my business to come to life and I knew I needed expert help, so I reached out to Shannon. I also wanted to create my first group program. I always dreamed of having a group of women to work with but never got around to do it on my own. Through our work together, Shannon taught me to trust ME, my message, my work. I am so happy you taught me to trust my own mission. I’ve had two rounds of my group program, and I am so in love with my business! If you are thinking about working with Shannon she has a super power to help you dig deeper and bring out your truest message as a thought leader. She also has another super power to help you market your business in full alignment with your joy, your impact and your income goal. You’ll want to fall in love with your business and live every day in full joy!”
Alia Jamal
Alia Jamal
The Love Coach
Pam Mills & Amy Civica
“We have just spent the last year creating an online program and found Shannon in her Facebook Group. Her method of hosting educational workshops appealed to me. We decided we wanted to try out this workshop model for...
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Pam Mills & Amy Civica
“We have just spent the last year creating an online program and found Shannon in her Facebook Group. Her method of hosting educational workshops appealed to me. We decided we wanted to try out this workshop model for ourselves, and so we set up a call with Shannon immediately. Through our work together in The Joyful CEO Program, Shannon has helped us find our niche, tell our story, create a clear message, and built our confidence beyond belief! She has been our cheerleader, our kick in the butt”er”, our shoulder to cry on and is our true friend. We have made more money in Q1 of this year than ALL of last year—and we owe it all to Shannon and her team. We have formed such great relationships with the other student and have made lifelong friends! We are now lifelong members of Shannon’s tribe, and we could not be more grateful to Shannon and what she has helped us do. If you are a coach or consultant sitting on the fence and stalking Shannon, jump in! You will NOT regret it. Shannon cares about your success and strives with her whole heart to give you what you need to soar.”
Pam Mills & Amy Civica
Pam Mills & Amy Civica
Alison Donaghey
“When I contacted Shannon, I was looking for clarity and direction in where I was going with my online presence. What I valued most about the work we did together was the structure and the accountability along with...
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Alison Donaghey
Domino Thinking
“When I contacted Shannon, I was looking for clarity and direction in where I was going with my online presence. What I valued most about the work we did together was the structure and the accountability along with Shannon’s willingness to meet us where we were at and then elevate the plan from there. As a result of working with Shannon, we have been able to launch our #MyPart course, create a #MyPart game called Time to Talk, and put systems in place to get shit done!! Working with Shannon has been my best coaching experience to date. I have had quite a few coaches in the past two years who didn’t deliver the way Shannon did. I love the way Shannon builds community and is super generous with her knowledge and tools. I felt when working with Shannon that she was invested in my success and that my vision mattered. To, me these are crucial qualities in a coach.”
Alison Donaghey
Alison Donaghey
Domino Thinking
Erika Flint
“We have one of the top hypnosis training programs in the world, and our grads become successful hypnotists – yet our marketing wasn’t capturing the essence of our training. We were following standard marketing techniques which were working...
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Erika Flint
Cascade Hypnosis Center
“We have one of the top hypnosis training programs in the world, and our grads become successful hypnotists – yet our marketing wasn’t capturing the essence of our training. We were following standard marketing techniques which were working -yet there wasn’t much joy in the process and I continued to look to hire folks to help me with this part of the business because it didn’t feel fun or enjoyable. When I reached out to Shannon, I was looking for a joyful way to bring in new students, and I wanted every part of my business to be in flow. Shannon teaches practical, easily implementable solutions. Within a week we had a new plan that was working, and it was fun and easy to incorporate because it was something we were already doing yet didn’t realize we could do that for marketing! Shannon finds the gold in your business! Along the way, I was learning the simplicity of her joyful marketing message – so not only were we bringing in more students that were a great fit for our program, but me and my team were learning how to standardize this style of messaging and using it throughout the rest of our business as well. Shannon was able to see the business at a much higher level, and from her vast experience we implemented two fairly easy changes that resulted in doubling our sales that quarter. The ease of marketing was fantastic of course, but working with Shannon is also a joy. The process itself is fun – which means more love and energy are embedded into how you reach clients, which results in clients who already love you and your business. I hiighly recommend working with Shannon–she will notice things in your business and marketing that you’re likely not aware of yet. She has super vision with a heart for truly helping others. She’s not about gimmicks or the latest trends, and working with Shannon means you love your clients and you want the best for them. Shannon will bring that out in you, your team, and your business, and you will likely 10x your investment with her!”
Erika Flint
Erika Flint
Cascade Hypnosis Center
Ashley Harwood
“My VIP Experience with Shannon was unlike any other! I was amazed by how much we accomplished in just the morning session! We mapped out my offers for 2020, laid out a high-level marketing strategy about how to sell...
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Ashley Harwood
Move Over Extroverts
“My VIP Experience with Shannon was unlike any other! I was amazed by how much we accomplished in just the morning session! We mapped out my offers for 2020, laid out a high-level marketing strategy about how to sell my programs and retreat, and created content themes that supported the marketing of each offer. In the afternoon, we stepped away from the business and let the mind relax–at the spa! This VIP Experience is powerful and time well-spent. I’d highly recommend Shannon’s VIP Experience!”
Ashley Harwood
Ashley Harwood
Move Over Extroverts
Roxana McKinney
“Shannon turned my expertise, ideas and goals to launch my first group coaching program into reality. Together we designed a group program series to profit and scale. I left our 1/2 day session feeling confident and armed...
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Roxana McKinney
Women, Wealth, and Worth
“Shannon turned my expertise, ideas and goals to launch my first group coaching program into reality. Together we designed a group program series to profit and scale. I left our 1/2 day session feeling confident and armed with a full plan of attack. The program launched and SOLD OUT without a hitch! I even ran the program twice after my initial launch with minor enhancements. Shannon brought her zone of genius that made the Signature Method process dynamic and FUN—and helped me add an extra $27k to my business.”
Roxana McKinney
Roxana McKinney
Women, Wealth, and Worth
Lauren Fritsch
Joy |Money Matrix ™ (JMM) certified facilitator M Shannon Hernandez is doing amazing work for and with her clients using this tool. It actually boggles my mind. Back in February I traveled to Ft. Lauderdale to experience...
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Lauren Fritsch
Joy|Money Matrix™ (JMM) certified facilitator M Shannon Hernandez is doing amazing work for and with her clients using this tool. It actually boggles my mind. Back in February I traveled to Ft. Lauderdale to experience her take on the JMM. As a leader in storytelling and Thought Leader marketing for confident experts, I knew Shannon was going to use the JMM as a framework from which to help her clients rebalance their product/service portfolios and their marketing. What I didn’t know was that she would add in another exercise on mission, vision and purpose that not only would impact her clients and but also fundamentally change the way I see my own business and my role in it. I’ve been in business for 13 years. 13 years starting from a freelance wholesale fashion sales rep and hourly hustling to consulting and coaching and ultimately to creating models like the JMM. For years I have been a solo entrepreneur content to make my money, get paid for my time and expertise and go home. It’s a great way of life no doubt. And I knew there was more for me, I just didn’t know what it might look like. I’ve had some false starts with investors who wanted to partner to create something that would change lives and was truly scalable. But nothing ever worked out as I had imagined so I continued to work with small numbers of clients, both small business owners and execs and teams at larger companies. All the while I have been operating according to repeatable models that I have only just started documenting. Now I realize that those models are the scalable business I was trying to create years ago. My superpower is creating a repeatable system to get results after I’ve done it intuitively over time. And Shannon’s take on my own work helped me to see that crystal clear after blindly feeling for it in the dark for nearly a decade. Thank you Shannon and your particular approach to the Joy|Money Matrix™. I love you and am honored that you include the JMM in the powerful work you do.
Lauren Fritsch
Lauren Fritsch
Cheryl Nunez
“When I reached out to Shannon, I as looking to increase my clients in my business. Shannon provided me clarity and non-judgement. We completely rebranded my business, and my business feels more aligned with who I...
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Cheryl Nunez
Home Healer
“When I reached out to Shannon, I as looking to increase my clients in my business. Shannon provided me clarity and non-judgement. We completely rebranded my business, and my business feels more aligned with who I am and what I offer. We figured out what wasn’t working and changed it. I’ve also made connections and had more ideas about how to grow my business both on and off of Facebook. I’ve also narrowed down what I need to do to connect with my clients, instead of throwing spaghetti on a wall to see what sticks! If you are thinking about working with Shannon, DO IT. She is a master at helping you gain clarity and confidence. She’s all about trying new things when the old ones aren’t working and helps you discover what is blocking you and move past them. She asks amazing questions that get you thinking about your business and what you’re doing in a new way.”
Cheryl Nunez
Cheryl Nunez
Home Healer
Nina Froriep
“Any email or social media marketing piece I’ve seen from Shannon makes me smile, happy, wonder, and be green with envy (the good kind). I absolutely love how she communicates with her people, and I...
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Nina Froriep
“Any email or social media marketing piece I’ve seen from Shannon makes me smile, happy, wonder, and be green with envy (the good kind). I absolutely love how she communicates with her people, and I want to show up for my people in the same way. I have worked with Shannon in different ways and each time I got massive value, great direction (and redirection). If you know how to take action and are open to trying out new things you’ll LOVE working with Shannon. She’s high-energy, high-impact, and super effective in her advice and teachings. Each time I’ve had contact with her, or with her sidekick, Amy I’ve had a big breakthrough in my marketing approach and in my business. If you want to sell with joy and ease, and without “selling”, you’d be crazy NOT to work with Shannon and her team.”
Nina Froriep
Nina Froriep
Stephanie Steyer
“I participated in Shannon’s Joy Money Matrix ™ + Marketing Alignment Intensive during a three day retreat in Florida. The way Shannon guided us was brilliant. First she had us work our way through the Joy Money Matrix...
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Stephanie Steyer
“I participated in Shannon’s Joy Money Matrix™ + Marketing Alignment Intensive during a three day retreat in Florida. The way Shannon guided us was brilliant. First she had us work our way through the Joy Money Matrix, which is a fun process of writing out everything we do on sticky notes and determining where on the Joy Matrix it lands. It’s more involved than what I’m describing, but essentially this is it: See all the things you are doing. Determine the level of Joy. Find the money. After this experience, I was in the perfect spot of recognizing what brings me joy, Shannon took me through writing our Purpose, Vision and Mission. The words and feelings flowed so easily and effortlessly. And it all made perfect sense! Since this retreat I’ve used my Purpose, Vision and Mission to help me rework my website, write out all my programs, and begin formulating my marketing from these statements. I’m more excited than ever to share my offers because I can now see how it all fits together. Everything is more integrated which makes it that much simpler to work with.”
Stephanie Steyer
Stephanie Steyer