From the Blog
Guest Post: Productivityist, Mike Vardy, Explains His Top 3 Book Writing Tips
Writing a book is no easy project. You'll notice there I modified the common phrase of "easy task" to "easy project". That's because writing a book is certainly not a task -- it is a big project. It's a project that will span several months or more to see through to...
20 Things You Didn’t Know About Me Before Reading This Post (Am I Right?)
Alright folks, it's quiz time! I am hoping you get a 100% - which means you learned 20 new things about me! If there is something on the list that you already knew, let me know! (Maybe I let parts of me "seep through the internet cracks." Here we go - keep score. I...
9 Savvy Writing Tips For When You Travel
As a business owner, many writing tasks must happen to keep your business alive and thriving - whether you are traveling or not. From fresh blog posts, to newsletters and email marketing campaigns, and even your engaging social media posts, the writing has to happen,...
5 Tips On How to Develop An Editorial Calendar
Today, we are going to talk about why you need an editorial calendar and how you can develop one that works for you. But first, let me ask you a question. Is there a particular magazine you adore and look forward to receiving each month? I know for me, it is Success...
Guest Post: Lauren Jonik on Four Steps To A Productive and Peaceful Writing Environment
Winston Churchill once said, "We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us." There is little doubt that just as one's internal landscape impacts external choices, one's surroundings can influence greatly the state of her heart, mind and spirit. In...
Guest Post: Cathy Fortin on Decorating Tips to Provide Inspiration In Your Home Office
The home office can often be a neglected space when it comes to decorating. As long as there’s a chair, desk and computer, we can spend hours at a time plugging away at our work. However, how comfortable and productive are you? How inspired do you feel to work when...
Writing Environment Pitfalls
What is your absolute, most favorite and inspiring place in the world? The beach? Mountains? On a gondola in Italy? Your wildflower garden? Disney World? Just for a moment, I want you to take yourself there - mentally. Engage all of your senses. What do you see?...
3 Steps to Successful Blog Writing: Think. Write. Repeat.
You promised yourself that your next blog post would get done TODAY. You sit down at your computer. Ideas have been roaming around in your head for weeks, but now your mind is blank. You check your email. You check your Facebook and Twitter feeds. You make that phone...
The Writer vs. The Editor – Don’t Confuse the Roles
Isn’t this image just stunning? What you are looking at is one of the breathtaking rooms in the main branch of the New York Public Library (NYPL). This room is called The Rose Reading Room, and it actually stretches across the whole top floor of the library - which is...
Titillating Title Tips (Now That I Have Your Attention…)
Whatʼs in a Name? When we choose a name for something or someone, it is a highly important and personal decision. Think about a time you named a pet, your son or daughter, or maybe even your business. How long did it take you to come up with the perfect name? If you...