As a business owner, many writing tasks must happen to keep your business alive and thriving – whether you are traveling or not. From fresh blog posts, to newsletters and email marketing campaigns, and even your engaging social media posts, the writing hasĀ  to happen, even if you are away on vacation!

I recently traveled for 7 days to visit family who live about 1000 miles away. It meant a couple of taxi rides, two long flights with layovers, and several hours in a car to the final destination. For 4 days I had no internet connection! Knowing that I had much writing to do while away, I planned ahead so that it could all get done for my business.

Iā€™d like to share some travel tips with you for getting your business writing done while away from home.Ā 

  • Automate as much of the writing as you can before you leave your home. Schedule your social media using HootSuite or another similar scheduling platform.
  • Have blogs that need to be published? Use the publishing feature so that you can schedule your content in advance.
  • Decide what you want to achieve while you are away. Be realistic in setting your writing goals.
  • Use your travel time to write new content, brainstorm ideas, or develop a better plan for one area of your business or another. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish while sitting in an airport, airplane, or on a bus or train!
  • If you are driving to your destination, use a voice recording device on your phone to capture your thoughts as you drive down the road.
  • When you get to your destination, check the internet connection, if you will need one for electronic devices. It will determine how the rest of the work flow proceeds.
  • Set up a workstation. This will help you focus when itā€™s time to write. Try and model it after your workstation at home.
  • Inform your friends, family and any travel companions that you will be working at various times during your trip. Set those times and ask for quiet time.
  • Time your work. You are on vacation after all! You should be enjoying yourself most of the time.

Follow these travel savvy writing tips to keep your writing productivity at peakĀ performanceĀ when you are away from home.

Question: What tips have you found to remain productive in writing while away from home? Please join the discussion.