M. Shannon Hernandez
M. Shannon Hernandez

Crafting Stories That Grow Your Aligned Audience

An interactive workshop to help you build DEEP relationships with REAL HUMANS.

Thursday, April 6th, 1-4p ET | Zoom | Early Bird: $350

Join M. Shannon Hernandez and Amy Hager for an exclusive online event that will teach you how to leverage your stories into money-making content for the stage, social media, email, and conversation

Grow Your Aligned Audience

Your story has the power to change lives and create ripple effects beyond what you ever thought imaginable. It’s time to discover how to share your stories, so you create (and deepen) that know, like, and trust factor!

You have something to offer that no one else on the planet has access to; something that will set you apart in your niche and create audience growth and raving fans. This means no more chasing down leads, or racking your brain on “how to stand out” as a business owner in a noisy space. This interactive event will show you how to tap into and create engaging, story-driven content that grows (and enchants) your aligned audience.

Impact Lives

Nothing will create the impact you are looking for– in your life, in your business, and in the lives of others– like sharing YOUR stories with the world.

No one can tell your story like you can. You don’t need all the BS formulas you see being sold as one-size-fits-all “solutions.” You don’t need to do hours of research or learn something new to create mission-driven stories that capture the hearts and minds of your aligned audience. You already have everything you need to make the impact you want. Storytellers are the most powerful people on the planet. This interactive event will help you learn how to create stories that make you unforgettable.

Elevate Your Business

Expand your reach, grow your audience, and deepen relationships by powerfully and consistently sharing your stories.

Supercharge your marketing, client relationships, and sales without any gimmicks or tactics that don’t feel authentic to you. Your aligned audience is smart. They want to know you are A REAL HUMAN BEING. This is what creates that know, like, and trust factor, so they choose to work with you! Your story is unique to you. It’s what makes you stand out and remain top of mind. When your future clients know your mission, and your mission-driven content is rooted in story, your competitors become irrelevant. This interactive event will help you understand how to use story marketing to stand out!

Crafting Stories That Grow Your Aligned Audience will show you the power of kind messaging + joyful marketing, so you can craft relatable stories that resonate deeply with your community.

Learn how to win the hearts and minds of your future clients with a story marketing strategy that is true to you who are, what you believe, and how you want to show up in the world.

It's Gonna Feel REALLY Good

What you’ll walk away with after the this experience:

An Evolution Story that attracts your aligned audience.

Create one story that will continue to engage and inspire your ideal clients. This story can be used in LOTS of places and in LOTS of ways. I’ll show you how to leverage this single evolution story in your marketing.

A 6-Step Story Marketing Roadmap

You will learn how to take any photo on your phone and structure a story and tell it in a way that captures the hearts and minds of your audience. There’s an art to this — and I’m taking you behind the scenes to learn how to craft stories that sell!

A Content Library of Story Marketing Prompts

I’ve developed a customizable content library of 90 Story Marketing Prompts to help you craft powerful and memorable stories for your marketing. It also includes a planning template so you can stay organized from month to month!
“I learned in this workshop I don’t have a visibility issue. I have a compelling content issue. I never knew marketing could be so fun!”
Julie Margo

“I can use my personal life experiences and create stories my audience relates to! This workshop was GOLD.”
Shannon Evans

“I now know how to turn personal stories into blogs, social media content, and offers! Shannon is in her ZONE OF MARKETING GENIUS when she teaches this workshop!”
Diane Gibson

Early Bird and Late Bird Ticket Information

Crafting Stories That Grow Your Aligned Audience

  • Early Bird Tickets are $350 until March 24, 2023. Please use the code JOY150 at checkout. 
  • Late Bird Tickets are $500 from March 25-April 5, 2023. (Yes, the workshop is still worth the Late Bird Ticket price!!)
  • Workshop Recording & Workbook: Yes, this workshop will be recorded, and yes you will have lifetime access! You’ll also receive a Story Marketing Workbook. 
M. Shannon Hernandez

Meet Your Mentors

M. Shannon Hernandez and Amy Hager are ALL ABOUT THAT JOY in life and biz—and this duo is specifically known around the globe for their joyful marketing strategies, including the Content Personality® Wheel. They specialize in teaching their clients how to create values-driven, organic marketing oozing with integrity, so that they call in their perfect-fit clients with a simple, sustainable, and joyful marketing plan.

Shannon is the founder of Joyful Business Revolution™, the Co-Founder the Content Personality® Club, and a sought after expert in the world of marketing and business strategy. She has been called “The Queen of Organic Marketing”, growing nearly a $1 million dollar/year brand with zero ad spend and high profitability. Her expertise has been featured on CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC. She has over 25 years in award-winning curriculum design, working with both the NFL & U.S. Military, and she is a master trainer and teacher.

Amy, a true marketer and community builder at heart, and Co-Founder of The Content Personality® Club, helps clients apply simple strategies for increased revenue and productivity. When this dynamic duo is not working with their clients, you will find them funding projects that impact the world and its people, visiting wineries, and traveling the world.