Email List Growth Challenge: Advanced Tactics to Supercharge Your Email List with 100 New Qualified Leads

July 22-24, 2024  | 2-3:30p ET | $397 $97

M. Shannon Hernandez

Remember 6th grade science class?

Oh the anticipation and curiosity we had back then about mixing chemicals in a test tube!

It’s time to harness those same feelings and playful spirit, so we can EXPERIMENT WITH YOUR MESSAGING–and GROW your email list.

Join us for our upcoming Email List Growth Challenge.

Let’s experiment, play, and maybe even blow some sh*t up! (no ugly goggles required)

  • Spend less time figuring out how to grow a profitable email list.
  • Wake up daily to new email list subscribers who are your dream client.
  • Feel confident that your business is secure in the online world – regardless of what social media platforms exist.
  • Position yourself as an expert and have another method to nurture relationships with your community.

Say goodbye to FB Ads, Expensive Tech or Complicated Funnels…AND…say hello to growing an ALIGNED email list.


Email List Growth Challenge: Advanced Tactics to Supercharge Your Email List with 100 New Qualified Leads

In each Content Personality® LAB, we follow 4 experimentation steps:

Step 1

Ask a question.

Step 2

Design the messaging.

Step 3

Run the experiment.

Step 4

Discuss the results.

Inside this challenge, you’ll discover why "traditional list-building" strategies DON’T WORK and just leave you spending months creating a bunch of free content no one ever sees, or worse, attracting leads that never invest with YOU.

You will learn how to effectively grow your audience with 100 new, qualified leads:

  • Session 1 (July 22): Create engaging messaging to share/promote your lead magnet/freebie, so you turn your social media followers into BUYING email subscribers. (No dancing required! 🙌)


  • Session 2 (July 23): Discover two powerful and effective list growth strategies used by the pros (that they never share or reveal), so you take your email subscriber count AND your profits to new heights.


  • Session 3 (July 24): Design a simple and effective list-building game plan that fits your business, your Content Personality®, and your bandwidth, so you know exactly what to do and when and how to do it.

(Yes, there will be a replay for this workshop. But the REAL magic happens LIVE!)

Email List Growth Challenge: Advanced Tactics to Supercharge Your Email List with 100 New Qualified Leads

[why this challenge and experiment matter to you!]

So many wonderful coaches, consultants, strategists, and service-based business owners have expertise that literally changes lives and creates ripple effects for years.


They don’t have an ALIGNED email audience to sell to.


This often causes them to give up too soon.


Is disappointing and disheartening, often causing them to believe their expertise was not enough.


That’s not true.

What’s most true is they didn’t know how (or skipped this step completely!) to grow an aligned email audience before debuting or reintroducing their offer.


It felt hard and sticky and slow when the offer was rolled out.


We all need an aligned email audience to succeed and flourish.


You want to transform your business in terms of calling in the RIGHT AUDIENCE to sell to,


Focusing on growing an aligned email audience is key.


This focus never stops for those of you who are thinking about sustainability and long-term success.


There are so many fun ways to go growing your email list, using YOUR Content Personality®!!


If your email list growth needs SUPERCHARGED, we’re here to help!


We want you to be in a JOYFUL partnership with your business. 

And growing your ALIGNED email audience is a HUGE piece of the puzzle!

NOTE: To experience success in this Email List Growth Challenge, please come to the challenge with your lead magnet/freebie developed and an active landing page for that lead magnet/freebie where people can subscribe to your email list.


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M. Shannon Hernandez

Meet Your Mentors

M. Shannon Hernandez and Amy Hager are ALL ABOUT THAT JOY in life and biz—and this duo is specifically known around the globe for their joyful marketing strategies, including the Content Personality® Wheel. They specialize in teaching their clients how to create values-driven, organic marketing oozing with integrity, so that they call in their perfect-fit clients with a simple, sustainable, and joyful marketing plan.

Shannon is the founder of Joyful Business Revolution™, the Co-Founder the Content Personality® Club, and a sought after expert in the world of marketing and business strategy. She has been called “The Queen of Organic Marketing”, growing nearly a $1 million dollar/year brand with zero ad spend and high profitability. Her expertise has been featured on CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC. She has over 25 years in award-winning curriculum design, working with both the NFL & U.S. Military, and she is a master trainer and teacher.

Amy, a true marketer and community builder at heart, and Co-Founder of The Content Personality® Club, helps clients apply simple strategies for increased revenue and productivity. When this dynamic duo is not working with their clients, you will find them funding projects that impact the world and its people, visiting wineries, and traveling the world.